Publication of the West Seattle Kiwanis January 3, 2023
January 4, Wednesday, 6:30 PM, Kiwanis Meeting, Ephesus
Restaurant – In person, meet our new member Chris Loeffler, We will start at 6:30 PM. Please RSVP and be in your seat by 6:30 PM! Meal cost is $25 per attendee.
January 25, Board Meeting on Zoom, 6:30 PM
February 1, Wednesday, 6:30 PM, Kiwanis Meeting, Ephesus
Projects, Opportunities, and Social Events:
Stone Cottage: The Kiwanis Club is going to help find a permanent location for the Stone Cottage. We will help with fund raising, permitting, locating a site, restoration and upkeep endowing. We hope to find an educational use for the facility and have a plaque about Kiwanis placed. We have a start of the committee with Denis and Shari participating. Please let Denis know if you want to be on the committee.
Christmas in July: We will be raising money for Children’s Hospital this year with a new project – decorating ornaments for sale around $10. Our Lt Governor Jim Garcia has provided 50 ornaments and we can get more. The Key Clubs and our CKI have been invited to help. We will be try to use the Farmers’’ Market as a location for decorating and donations.
Farmers’ Market: Denis is going to meet with the management of the West Seattle Farmers’ Market with an idea to create an entry plaza that we would operate. There would be a sitting area, space for kid activities, and coffee service. This would expand our outreach opportunity.
Musical Instruments: We are participating with Music4Life. We help collect used instruments and donations to get them to schools for students that need them. Check your house and storage for potential donation items. We have several instruments from the Farmers’ Market to get delivered.
Adopt-A- Street: We have adopted cleaning Fauntleroy Way SW from California Ave to Kenyon. The Key Clubs have helped us every time. We are looking to have our next cleaning in February.
We have two new members: Chris Loeffler and Charlie Roberts meet them at our meetings and social events in February.
In-person Meetings Hints: We are back to meeting in person at Ephesus Restaurant at 6:30 PM. Use the online RSVP system or contact Denis prior to 6 PM on Tuesday. Meal cost is $25 per attendee, this includes tax and tip but no beverage. You can start a tab for a beverage or desert with wait person. Please bring the exact change or a check payable to Kiwanis Club of West Seattle. Pay Randi our greeter prior to the meeting start. If you have special diet needs tell the wait person prior to 6:30 including if you need a to go order.
Happy Dollars Meeting Nights: From now on you can give a happy dollar to help with administrative expenses.
Raffle Meeting Night: From now on you can purchase raffle tickets $1 for 4 at the meeting to help with administrative expenses.
February Roundup: We are planning a social event in February to invite potential members. We are seeking a location for a speaker and cocktail hour. Details are being planned. Suggestions are needed. Committee members are Denis, Pat, Shari, Mike and Joel. You can join us too.
Join the Club on Zoom: Meetings, Board Meetings, 21st Century Scholarship Fund Meetings all on :
These are recurring meetings save the information.
Contact Denis if you have questions or need more information.
West Seattle Time Bank:
The Club is a member of the West Seattle Time Bank. You need to join if you have not. The 3rd Thursday is an orientation and pot luck meeting for you to learn more. Please sign-up and let Denis know when you have. We want to get every member to sign up. When you help with Kiwanis is will count in you time bank account. If you need help Denis can provide it. Sign up at:
On your first visit to AmazonSmile, you need to select a charitable organization to receive donations from eligible purchases before you begin shopping. Amazon will remember your selection, and then every eligible purchase you make at will result in a donation. The AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price from your eligible AmazonSmile purchases.
The Business of the Club is reviewed, and approval is given by Board. All members can attend on
Contact Denis if you need more information. Documents are emailed to members.
The Business of the Club is reviewed, and approval is given by Board. All members can attend on
Contact Denis if you need more information. Documents are emailed to members.
The Business of the Club is reviewed, and approval is given by Board. All members can attend on
Contact Denis if you need more information. Documents are emailed to members.
The Business of the Club is reviewed, and approval is given by Board. All members can attend on
Contact Denis if you need more information. Documents are emailed to members.
The Business of the Club is reviewed, and approval is given by Board. All members can attend on
Contact Denis if you need more information. Documents are emailed to members.
The Business of the Club is reviewed, and approval is given by Board. All members can attend on
Contact Denis if you need more information. Documents are emailed to members.
The Business of the Club is reviewed, and approval is given by Board. All members can attend on
Contact Denis if you need more information. Documents are emailed to members.
The Business of the Club is reviewed, and approval is given by Board. All members can attend on
Contact Denis if you need more information. Documents are emailed to members.
The Business of the Club is reviewed, and approval is given by Board. All members can attend on
Contact Denis if you need more information. Documents are emailed to members.
The Business of the Club is reviewed, and approval is given by Board. All members can attend on
Contact Denis if you need more information. Documents are emailed to members.
The Business of the Club is reviewed, and approval is given by Board. All members can attend on
Contact Denis if you need more information. Documents are emailed to members.
The Business of the Club is reviewed, and approval is given by Board. All members can attend on
Contact Denis if you need more information. Documents are emailed to members.
The Business of the Club is reviewed, and approval is given by Board. All members can attend on
Contact Denis if you need more information. Documents are emailed to members.
Publication of the West Seattle Kiwanis January 3, 2023
January 4, Wednesday, 6:30 PM, Kiwanis Meeting, Ephesus
Restaurant – In person, meet our new member Chris Loeffler, We will start at 6:30 PM. Please RSVP and be in your seat by 6:30 PM! Meal cost is $25 per attendee.
January 25, Board Meeting on Zoom, 6:30 PM
February 1, Wednesday, 6:30 PM, Kiwanis Meeting, Ephesus
Projects, Opportunities, and Social Events:
Stone Cottage: The Kiwanis Club is going to help find a permanent location for the Stone Cottage. We will help with fund raising, permitting, locating a site, restoration and upkeep endowing. We hope to find an educational use for the facility and have a plaque about Kiwanis placed. We have a start of the committee with Denis and Shari participating. Please let Denis know if you want to be on the committee.
Christmas in July: We will be raising money for Children’s Hospital this year with a new project – decorating ornaments for sale around $10. Our Lt Governor Jim Garcia has provided 50 ornaments and we can get more. The Key Clubs and our CKI have been invited to help. We will be try to use the Farmers’’ Market as a location for decorating and donations.
Farmers’ Market: Denis is going to meet with the management of the West Seattle Farmers’ Market with an idea to create an entry plaza that we would operate. There would be a sitting area, space for kid activities, and coffee service. This would expand our outreach opportunity.
Musical Instruments: We are participating with Music4Life. We help collect used instruments and donations to get them to schools for students that need them. Check your house and storage for potential donation items. We have several instruments from the Farmers’ Market to get delivered.
Adopt-A- Street: We have adopted cleaning Fauntleroy Way SW from California Ave to Kenyon. The Key Clubs have helped us every time. We are looking to have our next cleaning in February.
We have two new members: Chris Loeffler and Charlie Roberts meet them at our meetings and social events in February.
In-person Meetings Hints: We are back to meeting in person at Ephesus Restaurant at 6:30 PM. Use the online RSVP system or contact Denis prior to 6 PM on Tuesday. Meal cost is $25 per attendee, this includes tax and tip but no beverage. You can start a tab for a beverage or desert with wait person. Please bring the exact change or a check payable to Kiwanis Club of West Seattle. Pay Randi our greeter prior to the meeting start. If you have special diet needs tell the wait person prior to 6:30 including if you need a to go order.
Happy Dollars Meeting Nights: From now on you can give a happy dollar to help with administrative expenses.
Raffle Meeting Night: From now on you can purchase raffle tickets $1 for 4 at the meeting to help with administrative expenses.
February Roundup: We are planning a social event in February to invite potential members. We are seeking a location for a speaker and cocktail hour. Details are being planned. Suggestions are needed. Committee members are Denis, Pat, Shari, Mike and Joel. You can join us too.
Join the Club on Zoom: Meetings, Board Meetings, 21st Century Scholarship Fund Meetings all on :
These are recurring meetings save the information.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 824 8079 3596
Passcode: 298128
One tap mobile
+12532158782,,82480793596#,,,,*298128# US (Tacoma)
+13462487799,,82480793596#,,,,*298128# US (Houston)
Dial by your location
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 824 8079 3596
Passcode: 298128
Find your local number:
Contact Denis if you have questions or need more information.
West Seattle Time Bank:
The Club is a member of the West Seattle Time Bank. You need to join if you have not. The 3rd Thursday is an orientation and pot luck meeting for you to learn more. Please sign-up and let Denis know when you have. We want to get every member to sign up. When you help with Kiwanis is will count in you time bank account. If you need help Denis can provide it. Sign up at:
FACEBOOK Group: You need to help grow our Facebook Group. Sign up! Then invite all of you friends. See us at: @Kiwanis Club of West Seattle on Facebook. Or click link:¬if_t=groups_member_joined They are having virtual trainings and pot lucks.
The Club needs you to join the group and to invite all your friends.
Closing Remarks:
Shop AmazonSmile and support the West Kiwanis 21St Century Scholarship Fund. Click here
On your first visit to AmazonSmile, you need to select a charitable organization to receive donations from eligible purchases before you begin shopping. Amazon will remember your selection, and then every eligible purchase you make at will result in a donation. The AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price from your eligible AmazonSmile purchases.
Upcoming events
Kiwanis Club Board Meeting
Once Monthly West Seattle Kiwanis Meeting
Scout Troop 284 110th Anniversary
Kiwanis Club Board Meeting
Once Monthly West Seattle Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Club Board Meeting
Once Monthly West Seattle Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Club Board Meeting
Once Monthly West Seattle Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Club Board Meeting
Once Monthly West Seattle Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Club Board Meeting
Once Monthly West Seattle Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Club Board Meeting
Once Monthly West Seattle Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Club Board Meeting
Once Monthly West Seattle Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Club Board Meeting
Once Monthly West Seattle Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Club Board Meeting
Once Monthly West Seattle Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Club Board Meeting
Once Monthly West Seattle Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Club Board Meeting
Once Monthly West Seattle Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Club Board Meeting
Once Monthly West Seattle Kiwanis Meeting