Kiwanis Club members incorporated a foundation to allow tax deductible donations to further community services. The foundation is called the Kiwanis 21st Century Scholarship Fund. It is an IRS 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and its EIN is 91-1285427. The mailing address is PO Box 16128, Seattle, WA 98116. The foundation is incorporated in Washington State and registered as a nonprofit with the Washington Secretary of State. Community donations are used to finance our community service.
The major emphasis of the Kiwanis of West Seattle is improving the life, safety and health of children in West Seattle. Sponsored youth programs include Key Clubs at West Seattle High School and Chief Sealth International High School, Seattle University Circle K, Scout Troop 284, Troop 8284.
Kiwanis grants scholarships to students at West Seattle High School, Chief Sealth International High School and South Seattle College. Scholarships for youth education and activities are granted upon review and approval.
Possibility Project
The Kiwanis Club of West Seattle’s involvement with the Possibility Project focuses on enhancing its community service efforts through collaborative and innovative approaches. By working together, they can expand outreach, engage new volunteers, and create meaningful programs that address local needs.
Farmers' Market Outreach, Coffee Service, Kid Entertainment,
Setup 8:30 AM to 10 at booth opposite Easy Street on California Ave SW at Alaska
9:30 start to serve Farmers
10 - 1 Entertain kids, outreach to community
1:15 start to take down setup
2:15 load equipment in van and finish
All Key club members, Kiwanis members welcome to help and bring guests
Farmers' Market Outreach, Coffee Service, Kid Entertainment,
Setup 8:30 AM to 10 at booth opposite Easy Street on California Ave SW at Alaska
9:30 start to serve Farmers
10 - 1 Entertain kids, outreach to community
1:15 start to take down setup
2:15 load equipment in van and finish
All Key club members, Kiwanis members welcome to help and bring guests
The Business of the Club is reviewed, and approval is given by Board. All members can attend on
Contact Denis if you need more information. Documents are emailed to members.
Farmers' Market Outreach, Coffee Service, Kid Entertainment,
Setup 8:30 AM to 10 at booth opposite Easy Street on California Ave SW at Alaska
9:30 start to serve Farmers
10 - 1 Entertain kids, outreach to community
1:15 start to take down setup
2:15 load equipment in van and finish
All Key club members, Kiwanis members welcome to help and bring guests
Farmers' Market Outreach, Coffee Service, Kid Entertainment,
Setup 8:30 AM to 10 at booth opposite Easy Street on California Ave SW at Alaska
9:30 start to serve Farmers
10 - 1 Entertain kids, outreach to community
1:15 start to take down setup
2:15 load equipment in van and finish
All Key club members, Kiwanis members welcome to help and bring guests
The Business of the Club is reviewed, and approval is given by Board. All members can attend on
Contact Denis if you need more information. Documents are emailed to members.
The Business of the Club is reviewed, and approval is given by Board. All members can attend on
Contact Denis if you need more information. Documents are emailed to members.
The Business of the Club is reviewed, and approval is given by Board. All members can attend on
Contact Denis if you need more information. Documents are emailed to members.
The Business of the Club is reviewed, and approval is given by Board. All members can attend on
Contact Denis if you need more information. Documents are emailed to members.
The Business of the Club is reviewed, and approval is given by Board. All members can attend on
Contact Denis if you need more information. Documents are emailed to members.
The Business of the Club is reviewed, and approval is given by Board. All members can attend on
Contact Denis if you need more information. Documents are emailed to members.
The Business of the Club is reviewed, and approval is given by Board. All members can attend on
Contact Denis if you need more information. Documents are emailed to members.
The Business of the Club is reviewed, and approval is given by Board. All members can attend on
Contact Denis if you need more information. Documents are emailed to members.
The Business of the Club is reviewed, and approval is given by Board. All members can attend on
Contact Denis if you need more information. Documents are emailed to members.
The Business of the Club is reviewed, and approval is given by Board. All members can attend on
Contact Denis if you need more information. Documents are emailed to members.
The Business of the Club is reviewed, and approval is given by Board. All members can attend on
Contact Denis if you need more information. Documents are emailed to members.
The Business of the Club is reviewed, and approval is given by Board. All members can attend on
Contact Denis if you need more information. Documents are emailed to members.
21st Century Scholarship Fund
Kiwanis Club members incorporated a foundation to allow tax deductible donations to further community services. The foundation is called the Kiwanis 21st Century Scholarship Fund. It is an IRS 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and its EIN is 91-1285427. The mailing address is PO Box 16128, Seattle, WA 98116. The foundation is incorporated in Washington State and registered as a nonprofit with the Washington Secretary of State. Community donations are used to finance our community service.
The major emphasis of the Kiwanis of West Seattle is improving the life, safety and health of children in West Seattle. Sponsored youth programs include Key Clubs at West Seattle High School and Chief Sealth International High School, Seattle University Circle K, Scout Troop 284, Troop 8284.
Kiwanis grants scholarships to students at West Seattle High School, Chief Sealth International High School and South Seattle College. Scholarships for youth education and activities are granted upon review and approval.
Possibility Project
The Kiwanis Club of West Seattle’s involvement with the Possibility Project focuses on enhancing its community service efforts through collaborative and innovative approaches. By working together, they can expand outreach, engage new volunteers, and create meaningful programs that address local needs.
Our main source of funding is the Pancake Breakfast and Silent auction sponsorships and donations. To help the children ,Click Here for Sponsor/Donation Auction Form
Kids need Kiwanis now more than ever! Make a donation today. Click here to make a donation on PayPal.
Upcoming events
Farmers' Market
Farmers' Market
Kiwanis Club Board Meeting
Farmers' Market
Thanksgiving Day
Silent Auction online
Silent Auction online
Silent Auction online
Farmers' Market
Silent Auction online
Silent Auction online
Silent Auction online
Once Monthly West Seattle Kiwanis Meeting
Silent Auction online
Silent Auction online
Silent Auction online
Kiwanis Community Pancake Breakfast
Silent Auction online
Silent Auction online
Silent Auction online
Junction Jacket & Coat Collection
Kiwanis Club Board Meeting
Food Drive
Food Drive
Monthly Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Club Board Meeting
Once Monthly West Seattle Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Club Board Meeting
Once Monthly West Seattle Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Club Board Meeting
Once Monthly West Seattle Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Club Board Meeting
Once Monthly West Seattle Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Club Board Meeting
Once Monthly West Seattle Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Club Board Meeting
Once Monthly West Seattle Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Club Board Meeting
Once Monthly West Seattle Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Club Board Meeting
Once Monthly West Seattle Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Club Board Meeting
Once Monthly West Seattle Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Club Board Meeting
Once Monthly West Seattle Kiwanis Meeting
Kiwanis Club Board Meeting
Once Monthly West Seattle Kiwanis Meeting