Save Old Spectables

Save Old Spectacles is a charitable program that collects used eyeglasses and donates them to people in need, typically in developing countries where access to vision care is limited. This program is often organized by service clubs like the Lions Club or Kiwanis, as well as other community organizations.

The process involves collecting old or unused prescription glasses, reading glasses, and even sunglasses, which are then cleaned, repaired (if necessary), and sorted by prescription strength. These glasses are later distributed to people who cannot afford or access vision care, often through medical mission trips or partnering with local clinics.

The goal of the Save Old Spectacles program is to improve quality of life for individuals by providing them with eyewear that enables them to see clearly, which can impact their ability to work, study, and perform everyday activities. 

The program relies heavily on community donations, and collection boxes are often placed in schools, libraries, optometrist offices, or community centers where people can drop off their old glasses.

Click HERE!!! To Learn More About S.O.S – Save Old Spectacles
